About Privacy ... currenlty redacting ...

Here is a website where your privacy is really respected.

❝... I don't care,
         I have nothing to hide...❞
That is the most frequently heard answer. However, this also demonstrate they do not understand what Privacy really is. Good part of this mistake is due to the close similarity with Secrecy.

According to dictionaries:
PRIVACY - The state of being apart from company or observation. SECRECY - The act of keeping information hidden.

...what, actually, only helps to thicker the fog of confusion.

There are things you do "outside" that are to not be shared with any and everyone, but also, things you do when you are apart from company or observation, you may want to share with someone, someone who might be there outside, what often happen when want to brake the solitude.

Here starts to emerge there is a criterion of choice. You choose what is to be shared and what is not.

However, there are rules that modulate the freedom of choice.

When you are outside, some rules precludes you to chose to keep something hidden: e.g. one damages something belonging to another and do not want to assume the consequences. Taking the apparent advantage that no one seems to have witnessed the happening, they choose to keep it hidden.

And when you are not outside, like at your place, other rules defines that all what is happening is, by-default, not to be shared.

What does make sense, Privacy is about what happens in private.

However, that sphere of privacy continue to exists when you are outside.

Let us say someone shoot a photography really at you, because of your irresistible smile, rules defines that as a violation of Privacy despite you are outside.

However, if that someone was shooting the photography at the monumental fountain and, it simply happens you was in the photo field, rules defines it is allowed.
(Rules of Care and Consideration to Others are then an additional chapter.)

This extension of the field of application of Privacy into the outside happen because your "irresistible smile" continues to be yours and continues to define you despite you are outside.

Let us say someone makes money with the selling of these photos, you are entitled not only to a good part of that money but also to the right to allow and forbid it. Anyone have this right even without being a "celebrity".

So, Privacy is about your ownership over things that defines you regardless you are in public.

Thus, Privacy is not about hiding or not hiding things. "I have nothing to hide" is definitely here out of purpose.

❝ ... Where is the Privacy
        in Internet ? ❞
Privacy is not about "where", Privacy is about
what defines You, regardless where you are.
Privacy needs and deserves every inches of efforts
to be defended.

I need here a dramatical example to help to reduce the complexity.

Let us assume you give money to someone in order to help them. That can be regarded as charity. However, if this someone use the given money to pay someone to injure you, is it still charity?

Obviously it is not. The charity does exist only if both, the intention of giving for that goal, and the use in the agreed goal are respected.

Here we can see clearly there is a violation of the agreement about the goal-of-use, and that violation suffice to turn the whole act as illicit. (Criminal in this example case).

So, the agreement and respect of goal-of-use is a third criterion.

In Internet that is the same. When someone access any part of your privacy and use it in a way that will harm you or your beloved, it is unlawful, and it is certainly not what you have agreed with !

- What can "they" do to me through Internet ?

Well, ...
- "Does a harm need to come through Internet in order to harm you ?"
Usually the kind of harm we are talking about is coming through daily life channels. However, it also can come through Internet like in the cases of harassments.

If someone ask you money saying:
"- You have to agree I am going to share this money with a third person",

are you going to give it without knowing furthermore ?

What this "third party" is going to do with your money ?

Data have more power than money. In Internet it about your private sphere and life data.

So why so many people just checks "Read and Agreed" without even knowing what use is going to be done with their data ?

Actually, I so moooooch amazed to see people just have disregarded they just have agreed to give away for they lifespan al right of control on their private data, and sometimes also over the data of their children and beloved ...

Is there outside anyone really believing who is asking you to cease these rights are doing it for a noble cause ?

❝ - But I like to share it ... ❞ Me too I like to share, everyone likes to share.
But there is no need to do it blindly or stupidly.

Let us not loose touch with the reality. None of us is going to change Internet, Life, or Peoples ways in between tomorrow. Do we ?

But also, we do not need to.
We just need to change ourselves and helps people around us 1 by 1.

Helping you is what I just tried to do, sharing with you insight that might help to boost you education about this matter.

The other bit, is to do my part, as a Internet Content Creator I have to assume I do proper use of your data that Internet carries to my web-server.

In the next section you can see a table detailing what exactly is done with every single data received.

This is how far we can go to really respect Privacy and this, without "making your Experience" less pleasant nor efficient than deserved.

Privacy is about not exposing to abusers information defining you or your children and beloved.

Thank you very much for your time, your attention and your collaboration to make Internet a better place.

Click here to see which data are used and how.

data where use then
Internet Address from where you connect (IP) Web-server logs To manage the current connection with you Auto-erased after session if no technical/abuse alert.
Other connection parameters (date/time/duration) Web-server logs To manage the current connection with you Auto-erased after session if no technical/abuse alert.
Connection status (connected/active/...) -- Not used --
Geo localisation -- Not activated --
Visited pages Web-server logs To manage the current connection with you Auto-erased after session if no technical/abuse alert.
User behaviour -- Not read --
User performance -- Not read --
Requests of not anymore existing pages Web-server logs - maintenance logs Used to create redirections to the update page Manually erased
Username (login) Web-server logs To map against matching password hash Erased when session ended
Password (login) Web-server logs If matched with hash - authorizing session Erased from hash lists when user unregistered
Cookies Not used -- --
Unexpected web requests (through URL) GET/POST Web-server logs Analysed to define severity Severity depending
Repeated attempts to flood reach unpublished resources (scanning) Web-server logs/security logs (3 y) Analyse severity Severity depending
Other data -- Discarded --
Other data -- Discarded --

- no data are leaked to third parties by cross development networked scripts (cdn).
- all scripts and css' are internal to this website!
- all further (reasonable) inquiries are welcomed. woosh (at) kappa-square (dot) com.
- all serious attack are, for the least, investigated

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